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Can _____ be a _______? A blog post exploring which pre-existing concepts are most likely to exist as #ABigIdea. This is based on previous posts included in the series ‘#ABigIdea posts’. 52 ideas from 52 weeks A blog post about a project designed to create a list of analogies based on a set of analogies from my daily life. For each analogies, I have listed the number of times it was used in one week during the year 2019. 50 things you didn't know about _________ A personal article that is based on the collection of 50 facts that most people don't know about their favorite songs, movies or books. Feel free to check out my blog.
I am going to introduce the most important facts about a certain topic in a list of 50 facts. The order that they are in is for my own taste. This post is a great introduction if you want to get to know more about the ‘Why’s’ instead of just knowing ‘What’s’, because it can help you get to know more about each such topic. There's always something interesting happening on my twitter account @waqasmohsin . I also tweet & retweet some interesting stuff I come across on social media platforms and share some interesting links that might be useful for you. Before making this post, I made a 'big' list of 50 facts about the years. I realized that this were too long to fit in one single blog post, so I decided to make '50 facts about...' posts. This way also helped me narrow down my focus for the year 2019. To understand better, how each year's fact fits into this whole idea, you can view the first post of this series by clicking on its little text-labeled thumbnail on the right side. It is not necessary that you read all 50 previous posts before starting with the next one, but it is recommended. I was always curious about people's concept of time and how they measure it. Therefore, I decided to check it out myself. I tried to use the clock only for the time it takes me to make this post. Let's play a game together! The game is designed for you & me because we are the major players in it. Actually, there isn't any game because this is not a game but rather an idea. But, let's pretend for a moment that this is a game; then YOU need to do whatever YOU get asked to do by ME without putting too much thought into anything that YOU read here & ME needs to see how YOU fare in the end.
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